

The garden of diversity.



Diversity Garden

Mangfoldshagen is a community garden project in the heart of Oslo, Norway. Previously an allotment area split into private plots, the area has transformed into a thriving public agricultural community.

No box is held by one owner. We gather to grow, to water one another’s plants and to share the experience and knowledge of growing. Each member of our community brings their own special quality, their own recipe for diversity. Amongst us are chefs, herb enthusiasts, health specialists, teachers, yet we are united by sharing our knowledge. The area has been enlivened by our spirited nature and within our garden we see the biodiversity, of the city, emboldened.

Our aim is sustainable agriculture, within an urban environment, not only to create our own community but for the greater public of Oslo.


Our history

From barren land to allotments to community garden

In 2012 the area of Loallmenningen in Bjørvika, Oslo was transformed into an area to grow. Allotment plots were rented by the public and a garden was formed in a place where previously only concrete lived. The garden, Herligheten, was a green initiative to show the possibilities of food production within an urban landscape. Plots were highly sort after and the results were abundant, even resulting in awards from Oslo Kommune.

Unfortunately, in recent years the organisation of the allotments was disbanded in preparation for further construction in the area. Out of the ashes of one initiative another grass roots one was born. Mangfoldshagen volunteer community endeavour to enrich the land for the benefit of the public, offering up a much needed green space in an area of concrete and pollution. In collaboration with our neighbour and friends at Losæter we host workshops, educational gatherings and engage with the public through events as well as informal chats as we nurture the land.

Image source ~ Herligheten

 Weekly dugnad/gatherings now on!

Join us around 5pm every Tuesday.

Wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty.

Bring water, something to snack on and (most importantly) your ideas and enthusiasm!


Community * Sustainability * Organic * Bio-diversity * Education * Therapy * Urban Agriculture

Previous Events


Mangfold = Diversity

We believe in nature that flourishes in a diverse environment, Our edible plants are cultivated next to the wild herbal weeds. Perennials (long-term) plants live next to annuals (seasonal) continually bringing abundance to the area. The effects are an abundant eco-system (we hear an increasing amount of bird song!) and binding of carbon in the soil (reducing the impact of the nearby motorway pollution). We continually endeavour to learn more about sustainable agriculture and put these practices into place.

Our collective of volunteers, add another meaning to our gardens name, diversity! We come from all walks of life, professions, cultures and age groups. No matter your background we welcome you to become engaged in our community and reach out to join our upcoming events and gatherings.

Visit Us

0194 Oslo, Norway


Follow our journey.
